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12 Types Of Goats For The Meat And Milk Dairy Business

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It turns out that various Indonesian specialties are made from various types of goats. In Indonesia alone, there are at least 12 types of goats that are commonly kept by the community. Apart from meat, there are also milk-producing goats which have many benefits.

So, so you don’t get dizzy and confused with the various types of goats, let’s find out the differences so you don’t choose the wrong sacrificial animal during Eid al-Adha later!

12 Types Of Goats For The Meat And Milk Dairy Business

According to the East Java Animal Husbandry Service website, there are at least 12 types of goats kept by people in Indonesia. There are many varieties of these goats, some have original Indonesian genotypes, but some are imported from abroad.

Some goats are crosses from superior races that aim to get higher weights and stronger adaptability. What breed of goat is this? Come on, see the following article!

Peanut Goat

Starting from the most popular type of goat in Indonesia, namely the kacang (peanut) goat. This type of goat is often bred because it has good adaptability to various natural conditions. In addition, the kacang goat also has high reproductive power, so it is often bought as a sacrifice.

The characteristics of the peanut goat are that it has a slender body shape with small head size, erect ears, has short fur with black, white, brown, or a combination of the three. Peanut goats weigh only about 25-30 kilograms depending on the sex. Both male and female goats have two short horns.

The price of a peanut goat is relatively dependent on the quality of the animal itself and its weight. The price for this super goat kacang is different from the price for an ordinary peanut goats.

Etawa Goat

Maybe you have heard or watched coverage of etawa goat milk. Named etawa goat milk because this goat’s milk comes from goats in the Etawah area, India. Etawa goats were able to enter Indonesia because they were brought by the Dutch East Indies government around the 1930s.

The original name of the goat is jamnapari goat. Apart from milk, meat from this type of goat is also often processed into delicious food, you know.

Types Of Goats

The distinctive feature of the Etawa goat is that it has a large body shape with an average weight of up to 91 kilograms for male goats and 63 kilograms for female goats.

Etawa goat body posture is quite high, about 90 to 127 centimeters. While the shape of the ears droop down with a convex nose. As additional information, etawa goats have the ability to produce up to three liters of milk per day, you know.

The original Etawa goat’s milk is very delicious and you won’t get tired of drinking it and the price of Etawa’s milk is quite expensive because the benefits of drinking Etawa’s milk are very many.

You need to know the rules for drinking Etawa goat milk, you shouldn’t drink too much even though the milk is pure and fresh.

If you want to buy pure Etawa goat milk, you should go directly to the Etawa breeder or buy branded milk with strong packaging.

PE Goat (Etawa Breed)

There are also goats for livestock that come from mixed races, you know. One of them is the PE goat, aka the Etawa breed. PE goat is a blend of Etawa goat and kacang goat. Physically, the PE goat is similar to the Etawa goat, but has a reproductive system similar to the kacang goat.

The characteristics of the PE goat are that it has black, white, red and brown striped fur with wide drooping ears. Physically, his forehead and nose are convex. Then, the PE goat’s ability to produce up to three liters of milk per day is the same as the Etawa goat.

The price of PE goats is quite expensive for both males and females, especially for super PE goats such as PE goat’s milk compared to other goats that produce milk.

Jawarandu Goat

The four types of goats are known as Jawarandu goats or also popularly known as Bligon, Gumbolo, Kopolo, and Kacukan. Jawarandu goat is a cross between PE goat and kacang goat. Breeders choose this type of goat because it has a larger body size than the kacang goat, its behavior is easy to graze, and it is able to consume a variety of plants, both leaves, pellets and grass.

The characteristics of the Jawarandu goat are that it weighs more than 40 kilograms, the male and female goats have horns, the ears are wide open, long and drooping.

The Jawarandu goat is capable of producing up to 1.5 liters of milk per day and its meat can be used for consumption and sacrifice.

Boer goat

Furthermore, there is the Boer Goat, which originates from South Africa and has been registered for approximately 65 years. Boer goats are real meat goats, because they have a large body, can even reach up to 45 kilograms when they are only six months old. The percentage of bore goat meat is 40-50 percent more than other types of goats.

The most visible feature of the bore goat is its large physical form. Boer goats are able to live in very cold extreme temperatures, from -25 degrees Celsius to very hot, which is around 43 degrees Celsius.

Saanen Goat

Saanen goats are goats that come from Switzerland or rather western Switzerland. The Saanen goat is a type of goat that has a large body. This goat is difficult to grow in the tropics, because it is sensitive to sunlight. In Indonesia, saanen goats are crossed with types of goats that are more resistant to ambient air, for example the Etawa goat.

The visible physical characteristics of the Saane goat are short white or cream fur and black spots on the ears, nose and mammary glands. Then, it has a straight nose shape and a triangular face shape, has a thin and short tail, and has a body weight of around 36-91 kilograms, which varies according to sex.

We can find buying and selling of Saane goats in certain markets because people rarely raise this type of goat even though the price is not too expensive. You need to know, there are many hybrid goats on the market, so you really have to know the original Saane goat and its crosses.

Gembrong Goat

The gembrong goat is the next type of goat which is often found in the eastern region of Bali Island, especially Karangasem. At first glance, people see the gembrong goat as similar to a dog because it has very thick fur.

The Gembrong goat was originally the result of a cross between a Kashmiri goat and a Turkish goat brought from abroad as a gift for the king and aristocrats in Bali.

The gembrong goat has the most visible physical characteristic, namely its entire body is covered in shiny fur. If left unchecked, male gembrong goat hair can grow up to 30 centimeters. This goat has small horns and body color brown, light brown, or white. Their weight ranges from 32-45 kilograms according to their sex.

The price of gembrong goats is not expensive, you can find buying and selling of gembrong goats at the animal market, especially the Bali animal market.

Boerawa and Boerka goats

Boerawa goat is a type of goat resulting from crossing with other types of goats. Can Grameds guess? Yup, a male boera goat with a female PE goat. This type of goat is widely used as livestock in the Lampung area.

While the boerka goat is a cross between a male male goat and a female kacang goat. Its characteristics are having a fairly large physical size like a boer goat, but having a more active reproductive productivity like a local goat. Boerka goats have been bred in at least 15 provinces, from Aceh to North Maluku.

Estuary Goat

As the name implies, this type of estuarine goat can be found in Muara Regency, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra. Muara Kaming has a strong physical shape with a fur pattern between reddish brown and white with several black stripes extending from head to tail.

Estuarine goats are prolific and reproductively productive. This type of goat can give birth to two to four children in one delivery. In addition, this mother goat has high-quality milk production so that all her children can grow healthily, even without additional milk.

Costal Goat

Costal goats are often found scattered in the areas of Jakarta and Banten, costal goats are often equated with kacang goats. This is reasonable, considering that this goat is a cross between a kacang goat and a Kashmiri goat.

The productivity is almost the same, but there are significant physical differences that can be seen. For example, there is a pattern of parallel lines on the right and left of the face and thick, disheveled hair on the hind legs. Unfortunately the costal goat population continues to decrease, even though its large body shape from front to back is perfect for its meat.

Goat Marica

Marica goat is a type of local goat originating from the province of South Sulawesi. Maros, Jenepoto, Sopeng, and Makassar districts are areas that have quite large populations of marica goats.

The Marica goat can be said to be a unique type of goat because it can survive in places that have low rainfall and only relies on dry grass on rocky ground as food. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a United Nations subsidiary in the field of food and agriculture, categorizes marica goats as native Indonesian genotypes. Unfortunately this goat is included in the endangered or endangered category.

Samosir Goat

The Samosir goat is a hereditary pet of the people on Samosir Island, in the middle of Lake Toba, North Sumatra. the majority of samosir goats have a clean white color.

Samosir goats are used as offerings in religious rituals. The topography of Samosir Island, which has dry hills and lots of rocks, makes the types of goats in the area have a fairly strong immune system.

The physical characteristics of the Samosir goat are almost the same as the kacang goat bred in North Sumatra. However, Samosir goats tend to have a dominant white or black striped color. The local people also call the Samosir goat by the names white goat and Batak goat.

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